

this one is called "you can't improve anything so stop trying and die." obviously. what else did you think it was going to be called? snakelady? couple things to point out. first, take a look at the guy's hands. the one in his pocket looks like i actually meant to draw it that way. it looks totally adequate. like i set out to draw a hand in a pocket and totally got that done all by myself. no teamwork needed. the other hand looks like i set out to draw a hand with a pointing finger then changed my mind and decided to draw a gun then realized i couldn't draw either one and tried to erase it by licking my finger and rubbing it on the hand/gun. well, that's exactly how it happened.

jamie anderson: cowboy

this one is called "jamie anderson: cowboy". jamie anderson was a kid that i went to high school with. he kind of looked like the guy on the left. the guy on the right is, of course, a cowboy. i did not go to high school with him.


this one is called "snakelady". while the woman and the snake, in reality, are separate entities, in the mirror's reflection they become one. hence the "snakelady". that sounds like total b.s. but it's the truth.

p.s. don't call that phone number at the top. there's nothing good waiting at the end of the line.


here is a picture where people have their hands in the pockets due to my inability to draw hands. the picture is called "fat face". it explores the themes of kids being mean to eachother, not being able to hear what people are saying, and turtlenecks. please note that the guy in the middle has three legs. what's up with that?

dancing dog

"dancing dog". this one could be described as lacking. not my finest moment.

blood hands

here is another drawing posted on my blog. i believe it is called "blood hands". hands are very difficult to draw. i can't ever get the fingers right and more often than not i draw the right hand on the left arm and the left hand on the right arm. bloody stumps and hands in pockets are much easier to draw. i guess you could say this is a "theme" that i explore in my artwork; bloody stumps and hands in pockets. i guess you could also say that i'm an asshole.



as promised i have posted not one but two pictures depicting machines. i don't know what the top machine does or if it can help someone do less work. in retrospect this probably wasn't the best picture of a machine which enables you to do less work that i could have picked. moving on to the bottom picture, if your job is to throw tennis balls at sea horses i would highly recommend that you get yourself a machine like this. it would save you a lot of work.

untitled #2

this is an example of teamwork. sort of. it's the only picture i have that comes anywhere close to being a depiction of teamwork. teamwork, as i said before, is something that i'm totally into. it reduces the amount of work that needs to be done to complete a task. i'm all for that. another thing that can reduce work (if you're not into being part of a team) are machines. i probably have pictures of machines. i'll find one and post it on my blog.

best day ever

this one is called "best day ever". it was a team effort. mike drew the naked man and i drew the background. teamwork is something that i think is pretty great. it basically allows everyone on the team do less work to achieve a common goal. if you could get a big enough team together (i'm talking millions here) then nobody would have to do any work. that's why teamwork is pretty great. another thing that i think is pretty great is this picture.


i played football in high school. no i didn't.

this one sucks. it's probably called firehands.

"a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step." think about it. it's true. especially if you're traveling on...glory road. that's the title of this picture.
i hate the beach.

i drew a zombie!

dog thrower

he's a dog thrower. he throws dogs all day. give him a break.

credit card

this is a picture of mike in 5 years.
this one doesn't have a name. the two guys used to be saying stuff to eachother but i got rid of that. i think it's better this way.

this one is called st. bernard vacuuming. it won a prestigious award and was printed on mugs and greeting cards. this one is the best. you should probably buy it.