
a monster and a stick: part 2

here's "a monster and a stick" with out any color. i always draw the outlines of a picture before i color it in. doing it the other way around makes no sense.


ancient clown said...

Are you sure it doesn't make any sense doing it the other way around? Just wondering...I think back to public school(ancient times) and remember(barely) covering a page in different colours of wax crayon and then panting over all of it in black paint, then drawing on it by scratching off the black paint with a pointed object.(compass for eg.)
That always seemed to work out cool.
I don't think I know...I just know I'm thinking.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown

ancient clown said...

P.S. I wasn't judging you, just sharing....I hope this doesn't make you tell me to stop looking at your blog, and get me banned for life...cause I can't afford to buy a t-shirt or a mug either.

pete said...

i suppose you could do it the other way around but that doesn't mean it makes sense. the process that you describe seems extremely inefficient. i mean, why would you paint something and then turn around and scratch the paint off? when it comes to art i'm all about efficiency. grab your pen, draw something, post it on your blog. no need to buy a compass.