dudes. i wrote this song today and then i figured out how to put it on my blog (it's pretty easy unless you're a total n00b). the problem is the only mp3 player that i could find is seriously ugly and totally gaytarded looking. it'll have to do though. anyway...maureen saw a dying raccoon dragging itself out of the street after getting hit by a car. if you can think of anything sadder than that then don't tell me because i don't want to know.
UPDATE: fuck. i guess i am a total n00b. the player doesn't work now and if you click on the song title it goes to some singer/songwriter's website. i think she hacked my blog. um...madeline, if you're out there, it is seriously uncool to hack a blog just to promote your shitty songs. but if you're gonna hack a blog to promote your shitty songs then maybe you should hack a blog that people actually read. unless you were specifically trying to get me to listen to your songs. if that's the case then it was a pretty good idea. doesn't mean i'm gonna listen to your songs though. i'm still a little pissed about the whole hacking thing. oh, and what's up with your website? seriously. it's 2008. what's with the crayons? what are you, julianna hatfield? also, i know you considered making the horse a unicorn. what stopped you? there's a bear painting a train in the woods. if you're gonna go that crazy, why not make the horse a unicorn? i mean just go all out. it's not like anyone's gonna be like, "oh wait, dude is that a unicorn? fuck this. this picture is obviously fake."
UPDATE: so i listened to a couple tracks. i have to say, they're not all that bad. you've got a nice voice. well done madeline. also you're pretty easy on the eyes. well done madeline's parents.